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九年级上册(2014年7月第1版)《More practice ﹠ Culture corner:The last leaf; White elephants》精品教案下载-达州市优质课

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Knowledge aims: To understand new words and phrases in this article:

Ivy vine, earn, upstairs, icy, (be) out of danger....

Ability aims:

1. To improve their reading skills such as skimming , scanning, and contrasting.

2. To understand the meaning of this literary work.

3. To foster the habit of reading literary works.

Emotional Aims:

1. To lead students to have a positive attitude to face the difficulties and don't give up easily.

2. Let Ss love their lives and the meaning of "hope" to life.

Part 4. Key points and difficult points

Key points: 1. Make Ss understand the content of this story.

2. Understand the importance of work to our lives.

Difficult points:

1.Be able to express personal opinions and make group discussions in English.

2. Understand the main idea of the article in depth.

Part 5.Teaching methods 教学方法

I will use Communicative teaching method, Situational Teaching method, Task-based Teaching method and Student-centered Teaching method

I design some tasks to help the students learn. I think if I want to improve the students’oral English, I should give them enough chances to practice and I will use pair work, group work to let the students take part in all kinds of activities. That is “Learning by doing, learning by using”. Let the students be the masters of the class teaching, student-centered teaching method is well shown.

Part 6. Teaching aids

In this class, I’ll use pictures, PPT and a video. These can arouse the students’ interest in English.

Part 7. Teaching procedure 教学过程

New English proverb said that the students are real master. In this lesson they are English learners and real master .So teacher should act as a guider, an organizer and a director who play a role when necessary in teaching procedure. In my English Plan, It consists of 4 steps. Pre-reading, While-reading, Post-reading and homework.

Stage 1 :Pre-reading.

Step1 is warming up.

Let Ss guess what it is in my hand and Show?Ss?two pieces of leaves.

Ask students questions and understand the meaning of leaves.

What does the green leaf stand for? What does the yellow leaf stand for?

Purpose: Use the leaves to lead out today's topic and introduce the background of the author O.Henry. and prepare for the following pre-reading activities.

Step2 Free talk.

Set up some questions and let Ss read the story and get the main ideas from it.
