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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版八年级上册Grammar: Giving instructions & Using should and had better下载详情

八年级上册(2013年6月第2版)《Grammar: Giving instructions & Using should and had better》集体备课教案下载-义乌市优质课

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Please fix the shelf for me.

Don't touch the wet paint, please.

You should know a little about DIY.

You should not put so many books on the shelf.

Your watch is broken. You had better buy a new one.

You had better not be late for school.

III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty

Learn the usage of the imperative sentences by giving instructions.

Use ‘should’ or ‘had better’ when giving advice.

IV. Teaching procedures

Part A Giving instructions

Step1 Lead-in

Enjoy 《兔子舞》 video and present the words of the song , underline the key words and tell the students they give instructions , they’re imperative sentences.

Show some road signs to tell students how to give instructions.


Step2 Presentation

1. How to make a card

(1) According to the four pictures and sentence meaning , please fill?in?the?blanks.

First cut. Next write. Then draw. Finally look.

(2) Discussion

T: If you find difficulties in making cards, how will you solve them? Are the following ideas good? Change them!

Give up making cards. (Please don’t give up.)

Seldom try to think of another way to make it. (Keep trying it in another way.)

Just do it without remembering to have all the materials you need nearby. (Don't forget to have all the materials you need nearby before you do it.)

(3) Sum up the steps of making cards

T: Do you know how to make cards? Can you sum up the steps?

Cut out pieces of card with a pair of scissors.

Write some words or a sentence on each card.

Draw a picture about the words or sentence on the other side of the card.

Look at the picture and try to say what is on the other side.
