Step 3 Fast reading
1 Which adventure does this extract belong to ?
A lilliput(小人国)
B Brobdingnag(大人国)
C Laputa(飞岛国)
2 In this extract,who am “I” ?
A Jonathan Swift B Gulliver C Sandy
3 How many tiny people did “I” meet in the end?
A One B A few C A large number
4 Match the words on the left with the meaning on the right.
5. Sandy made some notes of Gulliver’s story. Help her check for mistakes. Write a T if a sentence is true or an F if it is a false.
1) Gulliver’s ship crashed against the rocks. ___
2) When Gulliver woke up, it was almost evening. ____
3) A tiny man climbed onto Gulliver’s body and stood on his shoulder. _____
4) Gulliver shouted at the tiny men, but they were not afraid. _____
5) Gulliver talked with the small men. _____
6) Gulliver finally pulled his right hand free. ___
6 Words & phrases review
1. Let some students spell the words.
2. Read after the teacher.
3. Read together.
against tiny
be tried out fall over
tie continue
over either
stomach manage
until lift
finger army
must unable