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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版八年级下册Integrated skills下载详情
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A Recommending a book

Step 1 Lead-in

Free talk

Watch pictures.

In this unit, we have learnt some types of the books. Look at these pictures, please tell me the types of these books.【设计意图:通过自由谈话,快速引导学生进入本课情境,激发他们的学习热情。】

Step 2 Pre-listening

1. Watch pictures.

2. Name the types of new books

T: I also like reading, and I have read the following books. Can you guess their types?


Step 3 While-listening

1. Listen and match

T: The Class 1, Grade 8 students are talking about what they have read recently. Listen to them and match each student with the type and name of the book they have heard. You can predict before listening.

T: Listen and complete Part A1.

Watch a video

Let the students watch a video about “ Harry Potter”.

Show pictures about J.K Rowling.

Introduce J.K Rowling., do you want to know more information about J.K Rowling? Let us listen to the tape and complete Part A2.

Show pictures about Harry Potter series.

Listen to the tape to get more information about Harry Potter series and complete Part A3

Finish Part A3.

Do a true or false question. Then listen to the tape to check the answers.


Step 4 Post-listening

1. Have a discussion.

How much do you know about J.K Rowling?

How much do you know about Harry Potter?

2. Complete the article.


Step 5 Practice

