2. Introduce the background of the story.
Show the picture of the robe to present different cultures between China and Arabia.
Step Two Characters relation (7’)
Ask one of the students to analyze the characters relation in front of the class.
EMBED Office12.dps.Slide.8
Step Three General understanding (5’)
Ask students to discuss in groups to put the sentences in the correct order. Then stick them on the blackboard.
EMBED Office12.dps.Slide.8
Step Four Detailed understanding (15’)
Task 1
Read the first scene—In his house and think about the question:
How did the wicked magician make Aladdin trust him?
Ask students to talk about it in groups and find out the sentences in the story to prove their opinions.
Thinking: What do you think of Aladdin?
Task 2
Read the second scene—Out of the hole and ask the questions as many as they can, then ask someone else to answer their questions.
EMBED Office12.dps.Slide.8
Task 3
Read the third scene—In the hole and fill in the table.
EMBED Office12.dps.Slide.8 Appreciating: How did he feel when he saw the genie?
Read the dialogue between them with your own feelings.
Task 4
Read the last scene—In his house and answer the questions:
1. How did Aladdin’s mother find the slave of the lamp?
2. What did she first ask for from the slave of the lamp? Why?
Step Five Role play (12’)
Encourage students to act out the part they like best.
Tips: Pay attention to the action, expression and tone.
Step Six Discussion (3’)
Encourage students to imagine and try to talk about what would happen to Aladdin.