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师梦圆初中英语教材同步沪教版九年级下册Reading:How to lead a balanced life下载详情
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To introduce the topic of this unit. Let Ss care for their mental health

2. Preparation

1. Let Ss pay attention to pictures on A1 and match the phrases in the box with pictures.

2. Let Ss talk about their feelings when they face stress.1. Ss match the phrases in the box with pictures.

2. Ss say something about their feelings

To lead in the reading.3. First-reading: skimming

4. Second-reading: scanning

1. Let Ss skim the title, the sub-headings of the online article.

2. Ask some Ss to answer the questions in 3 minutes and check the answers with the whole class.

3. Let Ss summarize how to find out the answers and write down the reading skills on their note books.

4. Let Ss scan the article , fill in the blanks and answer the questions in 12 minutes .

5. Let Ss write down the supporting details (eg. Para 2, Line 5) and check the answers with the whole class.

6. Let Ss find out the reading skills and write down on their note books. 1. Ss skim the title, the sub-headings and answer the questions.

2. Ss summarize the reading skills themselves

3. Ss scan the article , fill in the blanks and answer the questions.

4. Ss summarize the reading skills themselves

Learn three types of reading skills

Learn another three types of reading skills

4. Summary

Let Ss summarize the six types of reading skills. Ss write down the reading skills and check their note books about .Let Ss have a clear idea of the reading skills.5.


Reading exercises.

Let Ss use the six types of reading skills to finish the exercises in 12 minutes.

Check the answers with the whole classSs finish the reading exercises with the skills just learned. Let Ss learn to use the reading skills.6. Homework1. Read aloud the new words and text article.

2. Finish the exercises in the English Weekly about Unit 6 Reading.

3. Prepare to dictate the new words of Unit 6. Consolidate

Ss’ knowledge learned in class.

