11 adj. 富有 的,丰富的rich 12 n. 资源resource 13 adv. 明智的,充满智慧的; wisely
形容词:wise 14用完,耗尽run out 15 vt. 导致,产生produce16 n. 差异,不同之处difference
名词:different 17有影响,起作用make a difference (to sb/sth)
1 一个有高山和干净蓝色湖泊的国家a country with high mountains and clean blue lakes
2 被分成不同的组be separated into different groups 3能够被回收 can be recycled
4 了解一个回收衣服的组织learn about an organization for recycling
5收集来自全国的旧衣服collect old clothes from all over the country
6被送到工厂做回收利用 be sent to factories for recycling 7有许多保护环境的法律
have many laws to protect the environment 8允许某人做某事allow sb to do sth
被动: sb be allowed to do sth. 9 不被允许砍树be not allowed to cut down trees
10 被惩罚 be punished 11 在公共场所扔垃圾drop litter in a public place 12 被警察罚款
be fined by the police 13 我们最宝贵的财富our greatest treasure 14依赖它丰富的资源来生活 depend on its rich resources to live 15 明智地保护它protect it wisely
16 开始使用来自太阳,风和水中的能源 start to use energy from the sun ,wind and water
17 这些新型能源these new types of energy 18花费很少 cost very little 19几乎不产生污染
produce little pollution 20世界环境日 World Environment Day 21 回收许多东西来减少污染
recycle many things to reduce pollution 22 尽力让它一直保持那样 try to keep it that way
1. What is Switzerland like? _______________________________________________________
2. What do people there try to do? ____________________________________________________
3. What can be recycled in Switzerland?
4. What does Martina’s family do with their old clothes?
5. Does Switzerland have laws to protect the environment? ______________________________
6. What will happen if you drop litter in a public place in Switzerland?
7. What are the new ways to get energy?___________________________________________________