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师梦圆初中英语教材同步沪教版九年级下册Grammar:Using adjectives + that clauses; Review of object clauses下载详情

九年级下册(2015年1月第1版)《Grammar:Using adjectives that clauses; Review of object clauses》教案下载-中山市优质课

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策略先学后教,要求学生在课前完成预习卷和自测以及观看微课讲解内容,让学生提前感知、复习所要学习的内容,充分调动学生的元认知并引导学生对所要复习的学习内容进行过滤和归纳以及设疑。在整堂课中,教师利用话题主线引导学生积极思考,在课堂中注重让学生以自主学习以及小组合作等方式进行知识点的回顾和运用操练,发挥学生学习的主体作用,以达到比较良好的语言输出效果并巩固所学内容。同时,在教学过程中,本节课注重信息技术与教学的有机结合,使教学更有趣、更有效,充分发挥了信息技术能有效辅助教学的作用。Teaching Procedure

Teacher’s activates

Students’ activities


Step 1

Revision of Vocabulary

Play a Bingo game to revise the words in the relevant three units.

Engage the students to write down the words in the three units as many as they can.

Present some pictures to lead in the topic.

Have the students discuss the different lifestyles and decide which one is a healthy diet.

Ask the students to brainstorm more words for Food and Health.

Get the students to finish some exercises about the words and phrases.

Listen and write down the words to revise the words.

Finish the exercise and check the answers.

Recall the memory about the words and the topic.

To consolidate the vocabulary in relevant units

and help the students to use the language.

Step 2

Revision of the Object Clause

Go over the Object Clause briefly.

Draw a mind-map to help the students better understand the clause and what will be tested in the exams.

Get the students to finish some exercises.

Listen, think and finish the tasks in groups.

Consolidate the basic usage for the Object Clause.

Step 3

Reading activities

Get the student to go on focusing on the importance of eating healthily.

Remind the students of some basic reading sub-skills.
