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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版八年级下册Reading 2: Gulliver in Lilliput下载详情
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二、Teaching key points and difficult points:

To try to use these expressions when retelling.

三、Teaching aids


四、Teaching procedures

Step 1 Leading-in

Play a video about “Gulliver in Lilliput” and ask students to complete a short passage.

Step 2 Language points

Ask the students to answer the questions about the story.

What did Gulliver do after their ship crashed against the rocks?

By the time Gulliver finally felt the land under his feet, how was he?

Why couldn't Gulliver move when he woke up?

How big was the small man?

Did the tiny men stop moving after they fell over?

Why did Gulliver try to pull one hand free?

How many tiny people did Gulliver see when he looked down?

Explain the language points after the students answer the questions.

crash against; as+adj./adv.+as...; by the time...; be tired out; tie...to.../ be tired to...;

the same+n. +as...; continue doing/ to do; manage sth./ manage to do sth;

an army of/a huge army of

Step 3 Reading and retelling

Read these useful language points together.

Show students some pictures and encourage them to retell the story with the key words and pictures.

Step 4 Writing

Ask the students to rewrite the story in the perspective of a small man. Encourage them to use

the language points on the blackboard.

2. Present several writings and give students proper evaluation.

Step 5 Homework

1. Remember the important phrases and sentences in the passage.

2. Try to retell this story in your own words.

