师梦圆 - 让备课更高效、教学更轻松!
师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版八年级下册Welcome to the unit下载详情
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T: Look, who is he?

T: He wrote this famous book. He teaches us how to act politely and do things in good manners.

T: Yesterday, Confucius chat with me through Wechat. Now, let’s see our dialogue.

Step 2. Presentation

Present some new phrases through pictures.

Read the new expressions.

Look and match(Match the pictures with the correct phrases)

Decide right or wrong.( Throw the pictures into the rubbish bin if the people do wrong things)

Play a game—You act, I guess.(Invite 2 students from each group, one student acts, the other one guesses)

Step 3. Dialogue

Listen and answer

Q1: What should you do in the library?

Q2: What should you not do in the library?

Role-read the dialogue

Fill in the blanks according to the dialogue.

Pair-work.(Use Amy and Shirley’s dialogue as a model) Talk about things we should and shouldn’t do in public.

Step 4. Comic strips

Listen and answer

Q1: What does Eddie teach Hobo?

Q2: What does Eddie really want?

Fill in the blanks

Act out the dialogue

Important structures

Be adj. enough to do sth

Be too adj. to do sth

Step 5. Production

Help Confucius to make some posters.

Emotional education.

Step 6. Homework

Review the knowledge we have learned today.

