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八年级下册(2013年11月第2版)《Study skills: Using English sayings》新课标教案下载-金华市优质课

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To use the sayings correctly in a context

To use the sayings to polish their compositions

3. Emotion aims: To heighten the students reading confidence and improve their interest in reading

Teaching important points:

To know about some English sayings

To master some useful English sayings

Teaching difficult points:

To use the sayings to polish their compositions

The analysis of teaching method:

Question-and-answer activity teaching method

Pair work or individual work method

The analysis of teaching aids:

1. Multimedia devices and PPT documents

2. The blackboard

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Lead-in

1. Enjoy some pictures of the UK and answer:

What should we pay attention to when we are in the UK?

(Purpose: Lead to the topic of English sayings)

2. Introduce the types of English sayings and watch a video.

(Purpose: Motivate the students’ interest)

Step 2 Presentation

1. Show a story called “The donkey who carries salt” and introduce two sayings.

(1) put all your eggs in one basket

(2) it never rains but it pours

(Purpose: Help the students understand the sayings by reading the story)

2. Complete the sentences with sayings.

(Purpose: Help the students use the sayings correctly)

3. Show a story called “The Dog and the Shadow” and introduce two sayings.

(1) every dog has its day

