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牛津译林2011课标版《Reading 1: The Special Olympics World Games》集体备课教案下载-新乡市优质课

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2. To skim the report for the main idea of each paragraph.

3. To encourage students to help people who need help.

Ⅲ.Teaching difficult point

To make students be brave and confident when facing difficulties.

Ⅳ.Teaching aids

Tape, computer and some slides.

Ⅴ.Teaching procedure

Step 1 Revision

Show students some pictures and ask them to think about what we can do for these people, they can choose any of the pictures to talk about.

Step 2 Pre-reading

1. Show students the picture of the Special Olympics World Games in Shanghai in 2007 to help them know some background information about it.

2. Give students some hints and try to tell the Special Olympics slogan.

3. Present a picture with some words and let the students work out the purpose of these special athletes who join the competition. Help them if necessary.

Step 3 While-reading

1. Skim the report and try to match the heading of each paragraph.

Paragraph Heading

1 a. An introduction to the Special Olympics World Games

2 b. Liu Ming’s feeling about the event

3 c. Liu Ming’s experience

4 d. The influence of the Special Olympics World Games

5 e. What volunteers do for the event

2. Scan the report and answer the following questions

1) What are the main characters in the report?

2) What are they?

Step 4 Further reading

1. Read Paragraph 1 together and fill in the blanks.

Before Now

Liu Ming didn’t know He thinks it was __________

___________ when ____________ of his life.

he volunteered for “_______________________

