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牛津译林2011课标版《Grammar: It is (for…/of...) adjective to infinitive》集体备课教案下载-鞍山市优质课

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2. To help students grasp how to express the feeling of doing sth. and what we think of someone’s action. with “It's +adj. +for/of sb. +to do sth.”

3. To train students’ ability of co-operation.

ⅣTeaching main and difficult points

To help students, especially the students with learning difficulties grasp how to use the two structures in the real language situation.

ⅤTeaching procedures

Step 1 Revision and presentation (creating the meaningful language situation ---to be a good volunteers)

Show students a video about The Special Olympics World Games. Then discuss the athletes’ good activities according to the pictures with “ It's +adj.+to do sth. ”(设计意图:通过播放一段有关残奥会的感人视频来引发学生们评价这些残障运动员的行为,引导他们使用it’s+形容词+to do 的句型来进行讨论。顺理成章的创设了“争当残奥会志愿者”这一有意义的语言情境,吸引学生们参与语法教学活动的兴趣。为学生的语法学习设置探究的情境,建立探究的氛围。)

Step 2 Discussion and make sentences in groups

Ask students to discuss“What do you think of us volunteers?”with “ It's +adj.+to do sth. ”according to the table and make an example for them. Then ask them to sum up the rules.

( 设计意图: 以问题“What do you think of us volunteers?”的解决为载体,提醒学生们用“ It's +adj.+to do sth. ”这个句型来讨论,给他们提供相关的一些词语,并有意识的提醒他们思路,通过呈现——举例——总结,提供“支架”,演示本课语法的学习思路及过程,指导他们开动脑筋,有计划、有目的地开展探究性活动。)

Step 3 practice

1. Show some pictures about a helpful volunteer. Ask students to talk about Amy’s activities then finish the sentences with “It's +adj.+to do sth. ”in groups.

2. Finish A1.

(设计意图:展示Amy这个乐于助人的志愿者的一系列有助于社会行为的图片,以此作为练习对象,继续进行情境教学,鼓励学生们要想成为一个称职的残奥会志愿者,就要向Amy学习,以小组为单位的口头训练竞赛极大地激发了学生的参与热情。从而有效地巩固了It's +adj.+to do sth.这个句型的用法。)

Step 4 Presenting “It's +adj. +for/of sb. +to do sth.”

1.Sum up Amy’s activities with“It's +adj. +for sb. +to do sth.” Have a discussion about the task of volunteers for The Special Olympics World Games with Daniel.

(设计意图:继续引导学生们,想当一个称职的残奥志愿者,需要了解残奥会志愿者的一些工作,继续“争当残奥志愿者”这个情境的创设。组织学生用“It's +adj. +for sb. +to do sth.”句型来讨论。第二梯次的小组竞争赛再次打响。)

2. Ask student to talk about “What do you think of Simon/Amy?” with“It's +adj. +of sb. +to do sth.”

(设计意图:讨论完志愿工作,让学生们对Simon/Amy等这些残奥志愿者进行评价,从行为评价过渡到对人的评价,从而由句型“It's +adj. +for sb. +to do sth.”过渡到 It's +adj.+of sb.+to do sth.并通过两种句型的转化对比,引导学生通过比较学习,让他们熟悉英语思维活动的特点,学会对信息进行加工储备,从而引导他们领悟基本的英语语法学习方法和技能,)

Step 5 practice and display their works

1. Finish B1/2

2. Ask students to discuss “What qualities do volunteers have?” “What qualities do athelets have?” with the two structures in groups.

(设计意图: 围绕“残奥运动会志愿者和运动员应该具备什么样的品质?”以及“一些正确和不当行为”的讨论,展开第三层梯次的讨论,通过小组展示,既趁热打铁的巩固了两种句型,又顺利完成了“争当残奥志愿者”这一有意义的情境构建。创建和谐的教学生态环境。)

Step 6 Teacher’s words and a class test.

Give them some useful teacher’s words about helping others.

Have a class test.

(设计意图:通过teacher’s advice 进行小组评价,结束情境中的语法教学,对学生进行情感教育。最后设计一个当堂测试,以检代辅,及时检查学生对这两种句型掌握的情况。)

Task7 Homework

Finish a diary about The Special Olympics World Games with “It's +adj. +for/of sb. +to do sth.”.

Ⅵ Bb design

