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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版八年级下册Integrated skills下载详情
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Step3 Practice

1.Let the students read the dialogue of part B after the tape.

2.Work in pairs and make a new conversation to show how they can help others.

3.Act out their dialogues

B Working in a mountain area

Step1 Lead in

Teacher presents a few pictures of China's mountainous area children, let the students compare its and yourself to accept education, and discuss how we can help them as high school students and asks :What can you see in the pictures?What can we do to help those students? Guide students to active thinking, speak freely, import the new lesson.

The teacher tells the students:I can be a volunteer teacher to teach in schools in mountain areas. Now our government has many policies to encourage college students to support the development of North-west China.The teacher writes on the blackboard and reads.volunteer teacher and North-west China,and says :Peter’s cousin Judy is one of these volunteer teachers.

Step2 Listening

1.Before listening to the tape, let the students read part A1 of the questions, find the sentences that the students can’t understand , get some information. The teacher says:Peter’s cousin Judy is telling about a volunteer project.First,let’s read the questions in Part A1.Then listen to their conversation and finish PartA1.

2.Check the answers for the class.

Step3 Practice

Work in pairs,Ask and answer some questions according part A1

Step4 Listening

Guide students to practice reading part A2

2.Play the second recording, let the students listen to the tape and finish part A2 of practice.

3.Let the students Check the answers

Step4 Practice

Let the students finish part A3 of practice

Check the answers for the class and let students read it loudly together.




