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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版八年级下册Integrated skills下载详情
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2. To talk about ways to help people in need in our daily lives.

Teaching procedures

Step 1 Lead-in

1. Play a video

T: Here is a map of China. Do you know where Guizhou is? It’s in the south-west of China. And what about Xinjiang? It is in the north-west of China.

This girl is Judy. She is Peter’s cousin. She likes travelling. Last year, she went on a trip to Guizhou and visited a local primary school. She made a video about the students there. Let’s watch the video. While watching, please think about how their lives are.

2. Have a talk

T: After watching the video, we know that children in mountain areas live a hard life. Let’s work together to take care of those children and their dreams.

Step 2 Listening

1. Part A1

T: Judy wanted to be a volunteer teacher to help these children, so she took part in a volunteer project. Now she is telling Peter about it. Look through the questions and options carefully before listening.

(1) Help the students look through the questions and options.

(2) Play the tape of Part A1 and check the answers.

2. Part A2

T: Peter wants to know about Judy’s volunteer life. He has prepared the following questions. Can you predict what Judy will say?

T: Now Judy is talking to Peter on the phone about her experience. Listen to their conversation and help Peter complete his notes. Here is another listening tip for you: Try to predict some missing words before listening.

T: Check the answers together.

Step 3 Reading and writing

1. Complete a diary entry

T: Peter is writing about Judy and the village school in his diary. Help him complete his diary entry with the information in Parts A1 and A2.

2. Pair work

T: Work in pairs and talk about Judy’s experience at the village school. You can use the dialogue on the screen as a model.

3. Discussion

T: Work in groups of four and discuss the following questions:

(1) What good qualities should a volunteer teacher have?

(2) As a middle school student, what can you do to help the children in mountain areas?

Step4 Presentation

1.T: Have you ever helped anyone in need in your daily life? How did you help him/her?

2. How to help people in need

T: Peter wants to write about helping people in need. So he is searching the Internet. Let’s look at what he has found.

