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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版八年级下册Study skills: Organizing your ideas下载详情

八年级下册(2013年11月第2版)《Study skills: Organizing your ideas》最新教案下载-聊城市优质课

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III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty

How to use suitable ways according to the type of writing

IV. Teaching tools

Multimedia, blackboard

V. Teaching procedures

Step 1 Lead-in

Watch a video about Hong Kong Disneyland.

T: Boys and girls, just now we watched a video. What is it about?

S: Hong Kong Disneyland.


Step 2 Presentation

1. Read A trip to Hong Kong Disneyland, learn about Time order.

(1) Circle the words about time. (用笔圈出与时间相关的词) (2) Learn about Time order.

T: Our friend kitty has gone to Hong Kong Disneyland. She writes a letter to us. Let’s read it.

T: What is the title of the article? S: A trip to Hong Kong Disneyland.

T: How many parts are there in the article? S: Three.

T: The first part is called introduction. The second part is called main body. The last part is called conclusion. An article is often made up of those three parts. Clear? S: Yes.(引导学生回答)

T:Look at her letter. I circled “First”. It is about time here. Can you circle other words about time?

T: What order do we organize the article? S:Time.

T: What is the article about? S: Kitty’ experience in Hong Kong Disneyland.

T: So can you work out the rule? We can organize our ideas in Time Order when we write about an experience or an event.

T: Besides these words, do you know other expressions of time? S:….

show the words on PPT to them


2. Read The homestay,learn about Space order.

(1) Circle the words about space. (用笔圈出与空间相关的词) (2) Learn about Space order.

T: Our friend Kitty is living in a home stay in Hong Kong. She introduces it to us. Let’s read it.

T:Look at her letter. I circled “On the first floor”. It is about space here. Can you circle other words about space?

T: What order do we organize the article? S:Time.

T: What is the article about? S: The home stay.
