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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版八年级下册Task: Giving a helping hand下载详情
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Step 3 Reading

1.Read quickly and answer

Who needs help ?

2. Listen to Part B on page 90 and answer the questions.

1) What is wrong with Xiao Wei?

2) What kind of help do his family need?

3) How can we help Xiao Wei?

3. Read and repeat the article .

Step 4 Writing

1. Get the students to answer the questions:

What are the main parts of an article?

How can we organize our ideas before writing?

2. Peter wants to write a letter to ask for help. Present Peter’s ideas of his letter.

IntroductionWho needs help?Main bodyInformation about the person or group in need

What kind of help do they need?

How can we help?ConclusionThanks for help3. Tell students the writing tips:

Before writing, it’s necessary for us to organize our ideas first. When we write a letter for help, we need to tell others two points:

who needs help

how we can help

4. Useful expressions:

Dear classmates/friends/parents/ neighbours /all

Let me tell you a little about …

... need our help.

We must do something to help.

I have an idea. I plan to …

Please help me …

You can help by …

I hope you will …

It will cost ... To ...

... do/does not have enough money for ...

