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师梦圆初中英语教材同步沪外教版八年级下册UNIT 7 Music下载详情
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Teaching Important and Difficult Points

This lesson focuses on guiding students to learn to introduce a music type by relating their own life stories. Sentences like “It makes sb think about...I come to realize...”. Through these,students understand the influence and power of music and develop their speaking fluency and accuracy.

Students may find it difficult to introduce a type of music by introducing the basic information of a certain music type within limited time especially when internet access is impossible. The teacher will provide relevant information and encourage group discussion to lower the difficulty.

Teaching Procedure

Step 1:Leading in(3 minutes)

Have Students enjoy a music video”You are my sunshine” ,then have them answer two questions.(What instrument can you hear from the video? (What kind of music is it?

?2. Introduce a famous country music singer--Taylor Swift to the Ss and lead in some relevant information about country music.

2. Have Ss read the title and tell them they are going to learn a kind of music and someone’s life

which has been changed by this kind of music.

【设计意图】本环节虽然是导入环节,但作用不仅仅是导入,一是自然输入乡村音乐,学生一边聆听歌曲,一边品味歌曲的乐器使用和歌词含义,然后表达歌曲给自己带来的感受。歌曲听上去清新,令人放松;大多数使用吉他伴奏;歌词简朴,贴近生活。二是介绍现在学生都所熟悉的乡村音乐代表歌手泰勒.斯威夫特,引出一些本篇文章需要用到的生单词,利用图片激活学生的图式。三是学生从标题里明白了本课的主要内容;(细读标题,预测主旨大意)What is this passage mainly about according to the title? ,学生反馈。从标题“A Country Music Song Changed Her Life Forever”来看,作者想告诉我们乡村音乐如何永远改变了她,这里可能要讨论的是两件事情:What is the country music? 和 How did the country music song change her life forever?同时也可以让我们了解主人公 Sarah 的过去和现在的状况。其实,标题可以起到提纲挈领的作用,从标题导入引起学生对阅读内容的猜测,给学生提供一个由题猜文的入口,可以激活他们的背景知识,引发学习需要。教授每篇文章时,教师可以依据文本引导学生运用预测、质疑、推断等策略,探究标题的含义和文本结构等。这样学生的注意力会快速集中,从而顺利引出文本的话题。

Step 2:While reading(12 minutes)

1. Task 1 Skimming (Fast-reading ) Read and match the main ideas.

Part1 (para. 1) What's Sarah's dream?

Part2 (para 2 ) Who is Sarah?

Part3 (para 3) What is country music?

2. Task 2 Scanning (Careful-reading) —Country music. Read para2 and para3 to fill in the blanks in the students’handouts.

3. Read for details—Music brings change

Have students read Para.1 and find out Sarah’s change.

3. Task 3 Scanning (Careful-reading) Read para1 to know more about Sarah.

4. Task 4 Skimming (Careful-reading) Read para2 again and find the value of country music.

Sentence drill:Have students listen to a pieces of music “Try to remember”, then have them tell the

feelings the music brings to them. Use the following sentence patterns.

The music makes me think of... I come to realize that...

【设计意图】以上四个详读环节紧紧围绕乡村音乐这一主题,分别突破了四个要点:一是整篇文章的段落大意;二是乡村音乐的基本常识;三是乡村音乐给主人公Sarah 带来的改变;四是乡村音乐的价值观。在阅读完课文后,学生先了解了乡村音乐的基本信息,其中,教师设计的句型操练是让学生先听一段自己剪辑的音乐视频“Try to remember”配上孩子们在学校与同学和老师的的照片,然后用句型说出音乐给他们带来的感受,这一环节使得学生能够更深刻地感受音乐的力量,听音乐的同时渗透情感教育。感受过后,教师与学生一起探讨自己听完音乐的感受,并让学生用“It makes sb think about...I come to realize...”来表达。

Step 3:After reading(10 minutes)

5. Task 5 Role play—Country music and me

Have students act it out in front of the other students.

【设计意图】交际离不开语境,口语教学也应该在真实的语境下进行。在课堂的最后,学生通过role play的形式推广乡村音乐,在采访中学生运用了本课的重点句型来表达观点、互相交流,达到了丰富和内化知识的目的。

Step 4:Summary

6. Task 6 Use the mind-map to do a summary.