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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版九年级上册Reading 1: Never give up下载详情
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Step 1 Free talk

1. T: In this term, you are in Grade 9. How do you feel when you become a Grade 9 student?

T: What can you do to relax yourselves?

T: If you like playing basketball, you can play basketball and watch basketball matches. Do you know who he is?

T: He is 226cm tall. He played in the NBA (the National Basketball Association美国国家篮球协会a famous basketball league). He played basketball very well, so the NBA took notice of him. Then he succeeded in getting into the NBA. He had great achievements. He scored 41 points in one game. He has proved that we Chinese can also play basketball very well. Unluckily, he was badly hurt many times, and he was forced to leave the NBA in 2011. After that, he went on to study in Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Sometimes, you can see him watch basketball matches sitting in the stands.

Students read the new words after the teacher.

2. What makes a person a wonderful basketball player?

T: Let’s read the article — The shortest player in the NBA.. Who is shortest player? What do you want to know about him?

T: Look at this picture. What is special about Spud Webb?

Step 2 While-reading

1. Skimming

T: Let’s read the article. Read quickly and match the main idea with each paragraph. You don’t need to read all the words. You can read the first and last sentences to find the key words.

2. Scanning for personal information in Para1

NameSpud WebbNationalityPlace of birthYear of birthHeightDream3. Careful reading

(1) T: Did he succeed in getting into the NBA? How do you know?

S1: The title says: The shortest player in the NBA.

S2: The last paragraph says: Spud proved that size and body type do not matter—You can do almost anything if you try your best.

S3: Paragraph 5 says: He joined the Atlanta Hawks and became the shortest player in the NBA at that time.

(2) T: Can you find out the achievements he got?

In junior high:______________________

In senior high: ______________________

At a junior college:___________________

At university:________________________

Joined the NBA:_____________________

(3) T: Is it easy for such a short man to get into the NBA?

T: It’s not easy for Spud to get into the NBA since he is so short. The writer kept writing about this in the passage. Can you find out the sentences that show Spud was very short?

S: He was much smaller than the other kids at school.

He was refused because he was too small.

He often had to sit in the stands because of his height.

No university would invite him because he was only 170 cm tall.

