三 、学情分析
初一学生对be 动词的用法已经有了一定认识,但在实际运用上还存在一定问题。初一小孩仍处在好动时期,所以对比赛和游戏的兴趣远远大于知识的认知。
五 、教具:课件和学案等。
六 、教学过程:
Step1 Free talk(火眼金睛)
1)Look at the pictures,Do you know who is tidy?/ Who is untidy?
2) Answer the questions.
Step2 Presentation(最强大脑)
1)Read the text , answer the questions.
2)Read the first paragraph , answer the questions( call their number ) and retell the first paragraph with mind map(思维导图)。
Read the second paragraph , answer the questions( call their number ) and retell the second paragraph with mind map(思维导图)。
Read the third paragraph , answer the questions( call their number ) and retell the third paragraph with mind map(思维导图)。
3)Give students some minutes to retell the whole passage with mind map.(competition)
EMBED Office12.dps.Slide.8
4) Read the passage then circle the things and line the phrases about preposition.
Step 3 Practice and Expression
1) tidy and untidy.
Step 4 Games (这箱有礼)
1)Introduce the boxes.(PPT上展示很多美丽的礼盒)
2)Answer the questions.(通过叫号的形式让学生进行抢答)
(设计意图:每个礼盒点开都有一道题并引进小组竞争机制,有的礼盒后是 You are a lucky dog. 直接可以加分,这样避免了一直枯燥做题,更好地激发学生的学习兴趣,提高课堂效率。)
Step 5 Writing
Write a composition by yourself, after that we will read them.