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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版九年级上册Task: The art form I like best下载详情
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Computer, Worksheet

IV. Teaching Procedures

Part one:Discovery

Step 1

The teacher shows a model of one student’s piece and asks the class to check whether the writer finishes the writing task by answering some questions as a guide.

( Through fulfilling the task, the teacher expects the students to make a sense that a piece should be finished basically firstly. )

Step 2

1. The teacher provides an evaluation form including main characteristics of good writing for the class to check if the model piece is finished maturely.

2. The students give the model piece points according to the evaluation form and try to discover what problems the model piece has.

( Through fulfilling the task, the teacher expects the students to make a sense that a basically finished piece never means it is written well enough. Too often a good piece should consist of good organization, fine language and enough content. )

Part two: Discussion

Step 3

1. The teacher provides a good piece from one of the class for the class to appreciate.

2. The students read the good piece carefully and try to find out its highlights. They are expected to share what they like best about this piece and the explanation is necessary.

3. After the discussion, the class read the point together: A good piece always has interesting details, good word choice and beautiful sentences which help to create pictures in readers’ mind.

( Through fulfilling the task, the students are expected to find out what makes a good piece. Since the good writing sample comes from their peer’s, the students are eager to read it more willingly and seriously because by studying the good writing of others they can learn how to get them into their own. And, the teacher expects the class to realize that when they are writing pieces they should never forget about their readers. )

Part three: Development

Step4. Help to improve the model of piece in groups

Step5. Edit the first draft, show the improvement and evaluate

Part four: Summary and Homework


