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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版九年级上册Task: My favourite film star下载详情
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Teaching procedures:

Step 1. Lead-in

Present some pictures of famous films and film stars to help students review a few words and expressions;

Invite students to introduce their knowledge about Jackie Chan, by playing 易企秀

(Intention: 通过复习各种电影类型导入新课,调动了学生的已有知识,调动了学生学习的热情。学生制作易企秀展示自己对电影明星Jackie Chan的理解,在本课一开始就为同学们提供一种视听的体验。)

Step 2. Presentation

Read the fact file of Jackie Chan in Part A, and know about his acting career as well as his famous works;

Scan the QR code and enjoy some short videos from Jackie Chan’s films;

Group discussion:

What do you think of Jackie Chan and his films?

(Intention: 1. 学习课本中的fact file,通过四部分的学习,详细了解成龙在不同阶段的经历。2. 扫码观看电影片段,满足学生个性化学习需求,帮助学生具体感知,并在小组讨论中学习成龙及其电影的特点。)

Guide students to summarize Jackie Chan’s characteristics (funny; humorous; exciting; full of humour; a lot of action/ fights; join humour and exciting action together; special);

Further thinking:

As a charity worker, what has he done?

(Intention: 引导学生一起总结成龙电影的特点,随后,指出成龙的多种身份,尤其是学习成龙在慈善领域做出的贡献,鼓励学生从不同的方面对明星进行评价。)

Step 3. Writing

Complete the article in Part B;

Analyse the structure of the article (Introduction; Main body; Conclusion);

(Intention: 完成课本上的短文填空,引导学生全面分析文章结构,为之后的文章写作做铺垫。)

Step 4. Activities

Group work (Who is your favourite film star?)

(1). Discuss in groups, and choose a film star;

(2). Search for some information about the film star (personal details; acting career; what is special; something else)

(3). Work together to write an article about your favourite film star, take a picture of it and send it to our chatting group in “晓黑板” .

2. Enjoy other students’ writing

(Intention: 1.小组讨论,组长带领组员一起确定探讨的电影明星。通过网络平台查找信息,培养学生查找有用的学习资源,并利用资源进行自主学习的能力。2. 小组合作,完成文章写作,作文可以分享至“晓黑板”,供分享交流。)

Step 5. Conclusion

A survey:

Why do you think Jackie Chan is popular?

Why do you think Audrey Hepburn/Louis Koo is so welcome?

