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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版九年级下册Welcome to the unit下载详情
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Yes, it is me . When I was young , I admired him most . I want to be a man like him who can make a difference to China .

What else makes China so special ?

Though you are a Chinese , I don’t believe you know much about China . So in this class, you are to be different characters .1.Discuss in groups and try to introduce more about Bruce Li -- he made Chinese Kung fu famous in the world .

Enjoy the video .

Play a guessing game .

4. Look at the pictures and discuss what they are . To inspire the students’ interest in Chinese special things by watching a video and discussion .Presentation


导航新知)Task 1. To be a good learner.

Match the pictures with the right expressions .

2.By asking them question Which do you like and dislike ?,try to learn the new words about Chinese opera .

Task 2. To be a traveler .

Learn different places of interest in Beijing .

Read the names of Chinese things aloud .

Chinese opera is a kind of traditional (传统的)Chinese art.

Beijing opera is one of the most popular.

It has a strong local feature(特色).

Learn the names of the interesting places in China.

To help learn the new words about Chinese things and places step by step .



自主探究)An exchange student is asking Millie for advice on his travel plan

.Listen and answer

What wonderful places does Millie advise him to visit ?

What special things can he see in Beijing ?

Task 3. To be a guide .

Choose one of the following pictures and make up a new dialogue .

He who has never been to the Great Wall is not a true man .

Is Eddie a true dog?

Watch and answer .

1. What does Hobo think of the Great Wall?
