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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版九年级下册Reading 1: The first man to walk on the Moon下载详情
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2. To improve students’ reading ability.

3. To motivate students to learn from great people for further study and make contribution to the country.

Ability objectives: To gain better understanding through the framework of the material.

Emotional objectives: To motivate students to learn from great people and make contribution to the country.

II.Teaching keys: 1. To develop students’ reading skills.

2. To gain better understanding through the framework of the material.

III.Teaching difficulties: 1. To think about some divergent questions.

2. To retell the text.

IV.Teaching methods: 1.Fast-reading method 2.Careful-reading method 3. Communicative Teaching

4. Cooperative-activities.

V.Teaching aids: PPT and the blackboard

VII.Teaching procedures:

Step 1: lead-in

Enjoy a 1-minute video about the first Chinese astronaut to go into space.

Question: What can you see from the video?

(Aim: To arouse students' interest )

Step 2. Pre-reading

Watch the pictures and know something about an astronaut.

(Aim: To present some new words)

Step 3. While-reading

Skimming: Read and answer.

Question: (1).Who is the first man to walk on the moon?

(2).When did he walk on the moon?

Scanning: Read and choose the structure of the article.


Para. 1: Read and answer (2 ages).

Questions: (1). What did he do at the age of 6 / 16?

(2). How did he feel when he took his first flight?

A divergent question: What did his interest bring him? What do you think of interest?

Para. 2: Read and answer (2 time).
