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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津上海课标版八年级下册Unit 7 Poems下载详情
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对于八年级下的学生而言,在初中阶段目前为止已学习的诗歌共有7首,分别是6A Unit 2 Reading ‘ I have a friend’, Unit 4 Writing ‘What would you like to be?’, 6B Unit 5 Reading ‘What will you be?’, 7B Unit 6 Reading ‘The four season’, Unit 9 Writing ‘When the wind blows’,以及本单元Reading部分‘My dad at home and at work’和‘My School’。学生在学习了这些诗歌之后,已对诗歌这种文体有了一定的认识,初步了解了诗歌的一些基本特征,如:分行排列、句子精辟、字词重复、使用押韵词等。

2. 预设困难

本课时‘Never a dull moment’这首诗歌共有6个诗节,4个生词(slam, screamer, racket, din)可通过图片、声音和近义词等方式教授,学生学习难度不大。诗歌的内容是描述一个大家庭某个日常的场景,是学生较为熟悉的主题,通过朗读,结合配图,学生理解诗歌所表达的内容也不会有困难。预设困难将会出现在两个方面:一是清楚表达出诗歌的特征。个别学生可能在找出这首诗歌的押韵词上有些困难,可采取教师引导、同伴互助等方式来帮助学生克服这个学习障碍。二是创作诗歌。平时的写作训练中,基本不会涉及诗歌这个体裁,学生缺乏创作诗歌的经验。拟采取鼓励性评价,适当地降低写作难度,对学生在诗歌写作中的点滴实践与进步给予及时的肯定和表扬。在操作上,以本单元Writing部分的诗歌写作小练习为基础,稍作改编,设置学生熟悉的场景,通过提示问题引导学生积极思考,给出模板,让学生以句子填空的形式完成诗歌创作。二、教学目标及难重点(知识与技能,方法和过程,情感态度与价值观)一、教学目标


1. 知识目标


2. 能力目标


3. 情感目标



1. 帮助学生更好地理解诗歌的特征。

2. 指导学生在模板框架的帮助下创作一首诗歌。


1. 表达诗歌的特征。

2. 创作诗歌。三、教学策略选择与设计采用的教学方法是3P模式,即Presentation, Practice, Production 四、教学环境及设备、资源准备黑板、多媒体设备(音频、电子白板、平板电脑)五、教学过程教师活动学生活动设计意图Presentation1. Play a recording.1. Listen to a recording of different sounds and tell whether it is interesting or dull.

To arouse Ss’ interest and elicit the title of the poem

教师课前收集了诗歌所描述的场景中出现的各种声音,并制作成混音效果,使学生从听觉上更为直观地感受。2. Introduce the poet.2. Get to know a boy called Tony Bradman about his age, family members, etc.

To provide Ss with a brief background of the poem

以图片结合关键词呈现在学生面前,简介明了地介绍诗人。 Practice1. Show some pictures of the poem.1. Look at some pictures with sound one by one and try to describe each picture by filling in the blanks.

To help Ss get familiar with the content of the poem

图片加上音效,使学生能够更准确地理解句意。以左图为例,如果只以图片展示,学生无法判断图中人物在singing还是shouting,配上音效,学生便可准确地做出判断。2. Invite Ss. to talk about the characteristics of a poem.2. Review the characteristics of a poem.

To guide Ss to get a better understanding of the characteristics of a poem

运用电子白板,可以直接圈画表现诗歌特征的押韵词,使学生更清晰地掌握。3. Encourage Ss. to read the poem in different ways.3. Read the poem in different ways.

To let Ss practice reading a poem

学生展示交流的时候,利用图片营造舞台的效果,使学生代入感更强。Production1. Let Ss. work in groups and describe the scene they choose.1. In groups, discuss the scene of “My class at noon” and describe the scene according to some given questions.

To encourage Ss to think actively and creatively

选用学生午休时真实的场景,帮助学生有话可说。2. Guide Ss. to write a poem and share each group’s work to another group.2. In groups, try to complete a poem with the help of a layout. Read others’ work and give stars to it according to the checklist.

To assist Ss to write a poem
