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师梦圆初中英语教材同步人教版七年级上册Section B 2a—3b Self-check下载详情
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4. Review some useful expressions:

(1)I think it’s Kangkang’s / Li Ming’s.

(2)We look the same, but we are in different clothes.

(3)Please help us find him.

II. Teaching importances and difficulties:

Review the possessive pronouns and the students can master the grammar .

The students can describe a person.

III. Teaching aids 实物/多媒体课件

IV. Five-finger Teaching Plan

Step 1 Review

1.Read the dialog 1a in Section B, practice the dialog in groups.

2.Describe the appearance of your classmate /yourself.

—What do you look like? — I am tall /short and I have big eyes ---

—What does he/ she look like? — He / She is tall /short and he /she has big eyes ---

3.Show a picture and describe a person. Lead to 2

Show the Picture 2 and make the dialog.

T:Look at the picture in 2. The policeman can’t find the man in the picture. Can you help him?

Ss: Yes.

T:Good. Now, let’s learn more information about the man.

Step 2 Presentation

1 Read the passage and underline the man’s look.

2. Read 2 carefully. Then fill out the table in 2.

3. The students read the passage .

Step 3 Consolidation

1.Show some pictures and make some dialogs.

T:Whose cat is this? Ss:It’s her cat./It’s hers. …

2. Listen and match the things with the owners. Finish 1.

Step 4 Practice

1. Pair work. The students use the objects to make the dialog about the possessive pronouns.

2. Show the multimedia and do exercises. Then check the answers.
