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师梦圆高中英语教材同步新世纪课标版高二下册Unit 5 Living in harmony下载详情
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高二下册《Unit 5 Living in harmony》精品教案优质课下载

The students will be able to grasp the main idea and understand the deep meaning of the story.

Language knowledge

The students will be able to grasp the meaning of the vivid descriptions in the story.

Language skills

The students will be able to locate the specific information in the story.

Affections and Attitudes

The students will be able to have some further thinking about the consequences of Mr. Saleem, and have an active and healthy attitude towards life, especially health and wealth.

Teaching Method:

Communicative Teaching and Learning; Task-based Approach

Teaching Aids: Multimedia, a blackboard

Teaching Procedures:

I. Pre-reading

Interactive Task 1: A little quiz

Teacher: Heath; Wealth; Family; Friends; prioritize the importance of the 4 and provide the reason.

Students: Choose the answer and give reasons

Purpose: To arouse interest towards today’s lesson.

II. While—reading

Interactive Task 2: A story of choices

Teacher: Help students focus on the Line 1 and understand the meaning of “foresee the consequences”.

Students: Read Line 1 carefully and guess the meaning of “foresee”.

Purpose: To arouse students’ attention and understand the meaning of the word “foresee”.

Guided Questions:

What does “foresee” mean?

What is the meaning of “consequence”?

Interactive Task 3: Two choices