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Focus on the grammatical angles in translation

Apply the vehicle of translation in reading and summary writing

Learning Procedure


Students’ Activities

Learning Objective

I. Pre-Translation

Be involved in the game “Do as Max Says”

Make a deduction of “Ablakadabla” from 3 different contexts

To get a first impression of translation and context

II. While-Translating

Decide the meanings and parts of speech of the same 12 words in 2 different articles

Fill in blanks in a third article by employing the 12 words discussed in the previous articles

To know how to define the meaning and function of vocabulary in the context

Analyze the translation of sentences based on multiple meanings and collocation, articles and culture differences

Try out the understanding of grammatical elements in translation in 4-5 different challenges

To know how to make apply the grammatical elements in translation and consolidate the grammar knowledges in return

III. Post-Writing

Further the understanding, inference and summarization of readings on the basis of translation.

To consolidate the skills and knowledges learned in class

IV. Homework

Translate the sentences with words of cards

Make sentences on the basis of grammatical requirements

Write a summary sentence on the basis of translation of specific sentences

Materials Used in Class