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Teaching Focus and Difficulties:

guiding students to analyze the major character with textual evidence

Teaching Aids: Multimedia

Teaching Procedures

StagesTeacher’s activitiesStudents’ activitiesPurposesPre-reading1. Introduce the novel “The Prince and the Pauper” with a short gist statement.

2. Show illustrations of the text and ask questions.

3. Lead students to read some new words.1. Learn some necessary plot of the novel to understand the story in the text.

2. Read the pictures and answer questions.

3. Read the new words after the teacher.To arouse students’ interest in the text.

To frontload some new words.While-reading1. Have students skim the text(underline verbs /verb phrases relating to Tom); make students sequence the events in the text.

2. Guide students to work out the plot diagram.

3. Ask students to read the text again for details and answer questions.1. Skim the text; (underline verbs /verb phrases relating to Tom); put the events in the order in which they happen in the text.

2. Work out the plot diagram.

3. Read the text and answer questionsTo help students learn the text by sequencing

To present a basic narrative structure with the plotline.

To practice reading skills like skimming and scanning.Post-reading1. Organize a group work to analyze the major character.

2. Guide students to establish a theme of the story.1. Conduct a group work to work out character analysis chart.

2. Discuss and establish a theme of the story.To help students learn to analyze the major character and establish themes.Assignments1. Make a report, summarizing the plot and analyzing the character.

2. Group work: Establish the theme of your story of Prince Edward, and create your plot line. (Thinking about: What sufferings might Prince Edward experience? What changes might happen to him?)

Teaching Procedures (Detailed Version)


I. Introduce the novel “The Prince and the Pauper” with a short gist statement.

Teacher: The novel tells a story of identity exchange. The story in our textbook is an excerpt of the novel. It happens after the pauper Tom is made the king.

II. Show illustrations of the text and ask questions.

Teacher’s Guided questions: