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b. that, who, whom, which, whose的区别

2.能力目标: 学会用定语从句描述人,物及事件

Teaching procedures:

Step 1lead in

a. present them a picture of Harry Porter and ask them: who is Harry Porter?

Because there is only a boy in the picture,it is easy for them to answer myquestion.

b.Then I will show another picture, in which there are two boys. So they must use some words to describe Harry Porter.

Possible answer: The boy with glasses is Harry Porter.

The boy in the middle is Harry Porter.

c. Next I will show them the sentence:

The boy who is wearing glasses is Harry Porter .

d. tell them the underlined sentence is an attributive clause.

Step 2 the definition of attributive clause and the relative pronouns

show them two sentences. Let them find the role of attributive clause.

Harry Porter is a smart boy.

Harry Porter is a boy who has magic power.

Tell them the definitions of antecedents, relative pronouns and clauses.

exercises: point out the antecedents and relative pronouns.(discuss with their partners)

1. The boy who / that broke the window is called Jack.

2. The man (whom/who) I talked to just now is Mr. Li.

3. The car (that / which) he bought yesterday is a second-hand one.

4. Harry is the boy whose mother is our Maths teacher.

5. We live in a house whose window opens to the south.