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必修1《Reading and vocabulary》精品教案优质课下载

Now please read passage B and fill in the blanks.

what is there on the surface of the water in the test tube?

What’s the use of the oil?

What is the use of the cotton wool in the test tube?

Why are the nails in the test tube with ordinary water rusty?


Ask the Ss’to read passage B again and fill in the blanks on page 46.

Get the Ss’into pairs and check their answers.

Volunteer report the answers to the whole class.

The teacher offers the correct answers to the class.

Summary and homework

The teachers retells what the Ss’ learnt in this class. They learnt how to write a report on a scientific experiment by pair work.

Ask the students to read the passage and answer the questions on the book.


look at the pictures on the screen and fill in the blanks.

Summarize the whole class and give the homework.

Read the passage quickly and fin out the answers.

Read passage 2 and fill in the blanks .

Listen carefully and summarize the class.

Lead the students master the whole meaning of this text easily and clearly.

Summarize the whole class and check the students’learning result. 课题Module5 A Lesson in a Lab教

标a) Train Ss’ reading ability and learn what to do in a lab

b) Train the Ss’reading skills by dealing with some reading activities.