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外研2003课标版《Listening and vocabulary》新课标教案优质课下载

Can use the knowledge learned in this module and the accumulated materials to complete the experiment report.其他talking about comparisons教学目标语言知识见Module File语言运用Ability to evaluate article structure and language usage in writing a report on a simple scientific experiment.情感态度Cultivate students' love for science and realistic scientific attitude, and develop students' cooperative spirit in activities.学习策略Practice reading and skimming skills according to questions. Ability to use different reading strategies for different reading purposes.教学重点Read, master and use vocabulary flexibly to understand the information and content in the material.

Talking about comparisons教学难点Read, master and use vocabulary flexibly to understand the information and content in the material.

Talking about comparisons运用任务The Task of the Module 5:

Ask the students to do a simple experiment and write a report, and then report it to the class.

The Task of Period 2:

Reading and vocabulary + vocabulary

Students continue to learn vocabulary related to the topic of this module and prepare for reading activities through practice. Through learning the difficult vocabulary and grammar points in the text, students provide vocabulary and grammar guarantee for the writing of the experiment report.

教学方法Task-based teaching, student-centered teaching教学媒体Black board Multi- media




1-5分钟复习热身T: What are they doing?

S:They are doing experiments

T:Look at the pictures collected by our classmates. Do you know the name of these equipment?

Have you ever experienced such a situation as the following? Today, we will hear a passage about how to do an experiment and help experiment go on smoothly.Understand the taskTeaching is carried out with real tasks, so that students can clearly understand the purpose of learning, improve learning consciousness, stimulate students' interest in learning, and make students more purposeful learning driven by tasks.第

6分钟任务导入Do you think scientific experiment is easy to do? No.

We are going to do an experiment today. I need these things to do the experiment, test tubes, Bunsen burner, salt…(By speaking, teachers present the vocabulary related to experimental instruments, which is more impressive to students than teachers who design classroom activities by asking questions.)

When designing an experiment, what should be considered first? (Using semi-open topics to guide students to develop a rigorous scientific attitude.)Understand the new words and words learned in this module, as well as the meaning of the sentence and paragraph.Through the task request to present the new words in this class, so that students have an intuitive impression.第


分钟读前任务Put the words in the correct order to describe the stages of a scientific experiment. Collect and list Ss’ problems.

1) What did I do just now? (experiment)

2) What things did I use when I did the experiment? (test tube…)

3) Should we have an aim when we do an experiment?Consider your own deficiencies in language skills and seek improvement.Guide the students to find the deficiencies to correct and adjust, and introduce task presentation.第

9-25分钟读中任务While-reading Task

Students could learn about some vocabulary and knowledge related to science and experiments, and then know about some metals and get to know their main uses in our lives. What’s more, they also could know how to do a simple experiment and write the report about it in English.