2 minutesFeedback 1 To check if they have the correct answerEach group check their answers together, the the whole class check the answers.
S - Ss
1minutesNew words and phrasesStudents learn the usage of the important words and phrasesThe teacher teach them some important words and phrases.
The students do task 2: sentence translation.
Check the answers and see if the students have already mastered the usage of them.
T - Ss
7 minutes
Reading To read for specific information: what the problem of Peng Yuyan’s eating.Show the pictures of fat Peng Yuyan and slimPeng Yuyan, to arouse students’ curiosity about Joyce’s physical changes.
Then give them handout1 task1: read the diary quickly and answer the following questions:1.What kind of food did he like and dislike?
What was these food rich in?
T - Ss
1 minutes
Pair checkTo check if they have the same answersTwo students work together to check if they have the same answers.
The teacher monitoring.Ss - Ss1 minuteFeedback
To check if they have the same answers
Ask one student to speak out what kind of food does Peng Yuyan like and dislike, others listen to him or her. If the answers are not correct, ask another student who has different answers to speak out his/her answers. Ask another student to answer question 2 : What was these food rich in?others listen to him or her. If the answers are not correct, ask another student who has different answers to speak out his/her answers.
S - Ss
1 minutes
Writing 1Use modal verbs to give suggestionsGive students handout 2:Peng Yuyan’s diary 2 - go to see a doctor. Let students write down the doctor’s advice.
The students were doctors at that time, they should give Peng Yuyan at least two pieces of advice according to his symptoms.
The teacher will show them a slide of PPT with the important words and sentence structures on it to help students write the suggestions. Then they write, the teacher monitoring.S2minutesFeedbackTo check the students use the sentence structures and new wordsFour students in one group to share their suggestions. Then the teacher ask two students to share their suggestions.
Other students listening and find out what suggestions they give, then analysis if they are appropriate advice.Ss - Ss
S - Ss
3 minute
2 minute