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Step 1:Lead in:

The teacher asks students a series of questions to lead to the writing topic today.


Before we begin our lesson, let’s have a heated discussion about the question “which is the most important thing in our life?”

Can you tell me your reason?

People say if our life is 100 percent, health is just the number 1. Without this number 1, everything is zero. Do you agree?

So I want to show you two famous proverbs to you.

From what we’ve discussed above, we can draw a conclusion that in our life, health is the most important thing in our life. So how to keep healthy?


A healthy life depends on the food we eat and the habits we develop.

So the subject of writing today is how to keep healthy

Step 2:How to write a good composition?

1 Learn the requirements in our exam.

If you want to write a good composition, you must know the requirements in our NEMT. Pay attention to the words in red.

So it means if we want to get high marks, there must be some advanced words, phrases and sentences patterns in our composition. Besides, we need some linking words. Last but not least, we should keep the paper neat and have a wonderful handwriting.

2 Consolidate some advanced words and phrases concerning health through our learning paper.

3 Fill in the blanks using the words we just reviewed.

4 Review some advanced sentence patterns. Advanced sentence patterns can be some idioms, famous sayings or proverbs. It can be some special sentence patterns, like inversion, clause or emphatic sentences.

5 Do team work together and try to write down some advanced sentences on the board and I’ll give you 3 minutes.

6 A show time.

7 Linking words.

Step 3:An interview:

As everybody knows students in senior 3 are under great pressure and they always stay up late. So a lot of students have some physical and mental problems. Now let’s watch an interview to see whether we can help them.

Step 4: Help senior 3 students to solve their problems by writing a composition.

Step 5: Appreciate some students’ compositions.