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外研2003课标版《Reading and vocabulary》集体备课教案优质课下载

Aids: blackboard, chalks, self-made flags and PPT

Teaching objectives:

Language objectives:By the end of this lesson students need to know what is human development report, index, goals, achievements, and challenges. Besides, they need to get familiar with the Chinese meaning of key words and phrases such as: hunger, poverty, education, income, transport, crowded.

Learning skills:By the end of the lesson students need to be able to use two reading skills –skimming and scanning.

Learning ability: By the end of the class students need to be familiar with the way of how to study with group members and how to work in a group to solve a problem.

Affection objectives:By the end of the lesson students need to be aware that they are lucky to own the life they have now compared with people in those poor developing countries and they should cherish the food they have and the chance of being educated.

Focal points: get familiar with the content of the text and work in groups to finish the task --think of the solutions to helping poor developing countries to reduce poverty

Difficult points: find out specific solutions to helping poor developing countries to reduce poverty by understanding the text and discussing in groups and express their own ideas in English.

Teaching method and teaching model: task-based approach, PWP model

Teaching procedures and Time Allotment

Stage 1 Pre-reading (7mins)

Step 1 Divide students in groups

Divide the whole class into 6 groups which represent six countries respectively. Tell students that the class will be given as a simulated international meeting and they are students from the country which their groups represent.

(group1- America group 2-- Sweden group 3-- Norway group 4 --Netherlands group 5--China group 6--Sierra Leone )

Step2 Lead in the topic of the meeting

The teacher will share a web page with students. The web page show us how many people die of hunger each day. Next, the teacher will invite students from Sierra Leone to show other problems poor developing countries are facing.

Step 3 Assign the main task of the meeting--put forward some solutions to help poor developing countries to reduce poverty. To finish the main task, students need to read the passage “The Human Development Report” first to find out useful information which can help them to solve the main task.

Stage 2 While-reading (20mins)

Step 1 Skimming for main ideas of each paragraph

Ask student to read the passage quickly and find out the key words of each paragraph .

Step 2 Ask students to share key words and the teacher share answers with them.

Step 3 Ask students to read the text again to find out the information related to their own countries according to the key words.

Step 4 Ask students to share information they have found.

a. Each group shares information about ‘Index’ one by one.

b. Group 5 and 6 share information about ‘goals’.