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必修3《Listening and vocabulary》优质课教案下载

?? 1. 让学生识记并能正确运用以下词汇:ash, bury, current, disaster, erupt, flow, latitude, lava, occur, tornado, tropical, hurricane, pick up, take off, on average, end up。

?? 2. 学习过去完成时的被动语态的用法。

?? 3. 理解含有所学生词、含有过去完成时的被动语态和间接引语的句子和段落,读懂其意义并获取信息;理解模块提供的和来自其他渠道的对不同自然灾害的介绍并获取信息。

?? 4. 引导学生整体把握文章主旨,提高阅读效率;鼓励学生开展小组合作,运用副词表达好消息和坏消息。

?? 5. 了解自然灾害的危害,结合发生在我国的两次大地震及甘肃省舟曲县的泥石流,激发学生学好科学文化知识的决心和信心,以实际行动作好与自然灾害作斗争的准备,为人类造福。

?? 四、教学重点和难点:

?? 1. 通过阅读理解词汇,通过词汇学习掌握文章主旨,加深对文章的理解。

?? 2. 理解文章中含有定语从句的句子及含有过去完成时的被动语态的句子。

?? 3. 联系实际,了解不同的自然灾害带来的危害,激发学生利用所学知识与自然灾害作斗争的决心。

?? 五、教学过程:

?? StepⅠWarming up

?? Show a video “Storm Chasers” and some pictures about tornado, hurricane and other natural disasters to lead in the topic of this passage.??

?? [设计说明]

?? 使用多媒体视频及图片生动、形象地展示与文章相关资料,更直观地展现自然灾害的威力,吸引学生注意,激发他们的学习兴趣和决心。

?? StepⅡSkimming

?? Let the students read the whole text quickly and say the main idea of each part.

?? ● Part 1: A tornado is a rotating column of air and introduce its power.

?? ● Part 2: Hurricanes are strong tropical storms and introduce its power and the worst disaster by it.

?? ● Part 3: Charles Coghlan?s story in the worst hurricane disaster.

?? [设计说明]

?? 通过快速阅读让学生初步了解文章大意,归纳每一部分的主旨大意,提高阅读技能。

?? StepⅢ Scanning

?? 1. Let the students read the passage again and then work in pairs or groups to fill in the chart according to the text.?

?? Keys:①A rotating column of air from a thunderstorm to the ground ②In the US ③More than 400kms/h ④Pick up cars, trains and even houses and put them down in the next street — or even in the next town; take the fur off the back of a cat and the feathers off a chicken; destroy the houses ⑤In 1925, in the US; killed more than 700 people; injured 2,700 people ⑥Strong tropical storms ⑦In the southern Atlantic Ocean, the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico ⑧120kms/h or more? ⑨Cause huge waves, heavy rain and floods ⑩ September the 8th, 1900; killed 6,000 people; destroyed 3,600 buildings

?? [设计说明]