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= 2 ﹨ ROMAN ﹨ MERGEFORMAT II .The Analysis of the Teaching Material

New Curriculum for English advocates quality-oriented education and all round learning.It aims to train students’ ability in terms of listening,speaking,reading,writing and translating as well as developing practical skills to solve problems. As for writing, it is a form of output and also a process to practice thinking ability and form different thoughts. This lesson is from book 3 module 4.This module focuses on sandstorms in Asia .students are required to get to know more things about sandstorms and talk about a pollution problem.They should improve writing skills as well as their logical thinking and analysis ability Through the learning of this class,students can not only improve their writing skills,but also raise their awareness of environmental protection ,encourage them to protect environment. So in this period, the teacher should follow the Ss-centered principle and act as the role of a guide, an assistant and a facilitator of students..

= 3 ﹨ ROMAN ﹨ MERGEFORMAT III .The Analysis of the Learning Situation

The students are from Grade 1 in key Senior High School,who have obtained some basic vocabulary and grammar of English and have been able to use them properly in their writing work.Besides, they have known some information about air pollution. However,some students still need to practise their writing skills to produce better compositions .

= 4 ﹨ ROMAN ﹨ MERGEFORMAT IV .Teaching Aims:

1.Knowledge and Skills

= 1 ﹨ GB3 ﹨ MERGEFORMAT ① Enable students master the writing skills of making an outline for an argumentation.

= 2 ﹨ GB3 ﹨ MERGEFORMAT ② Enable students to talk and write about the topic of air pollution.

2.Process and Methods

= 1 ﹨ GB3 ﹨ MERGEFORMAT ① Categorizing words and expressions used to describe air pollution = 2 ﹨ GB3 ﹨ MERGEFORMAT ② Develop the students’ learning strategies analyzing and solving problems.

Emotion and Values

= 1 ﹨ GB3 ﹨ MERGEFORMAT ① Develop students’ sense of cooperation.

= 2 ﹨ GB3 ﹨ MERGEFORMAT ② Raise students’ awareness of air pollution and cultivate their sense of environmental protection

= 5 ﹨ ROMAN ﹨ MERGEFORMAT V .Teaching Important and Difficult Points

1.Important point

Students can know more about the air pollution and write an article about it .

2.Difficult point

Improve students’ writing ability,making an outline of an argumentation.

= 6 ﹨ ROMAN ﹨ MERGEFORMAT VI .Teaching Methods

Situational teaching, Task-based Teaching

= 7 ﹨ ROMAN ﹨ MERGEFORMAT VII .Teaching Aids

Multi-media devices, blackboard

= 8 ﹨ ROMAN ﹨ MERGEFORMAT VIII .Teaching period (40mins)

= 9 ﹨ ROMAN ﹨ MERGEFORMAT IX Teaching Procedures

Step one.lead -in . (2mins)