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Through discussion and the comprehension of reading, develop the students’ speaking, reading and writing, mainly writing.

2. Emotion and Values

Enable the students to talk about the cause and influence of the problems, and the ways to solve the problem in order to increase their sense of protecting the environment.

To encourage the Ss to talk about and write the damage caused by sandstorm and their own feelings about it.

3. Cross-cultural awareness:

Learn about the ways some countries protect the environment;

Understand the environmental protection of the whole world and strengthen their awareness of environment protection.

4. Character-building:

To strengthen their confidence of protecting the environment we are living in.

Enable the students to talk about the sandstorms, the reasons for causing sandstorms and the importance of protecting environment

Difficulties and Importance:

a. Conclude and collect the words and phrases related to environment and environmental protection.

b. Ask students to think ways to protect the environment.

Improve the student’s ability of grasping the general idea of the passage and writing skill.

Teaching Methods:

Task-based methodology

Communicative Approach

Teaching procedure

Step1 Information show

Step2 Discussion on the show

Step 3 Speaking 2

Think of ten things we need to do to improve the environment and say why. Use these structures:

We need to…

We must…

We should…