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1.Learn to discuss the hot topic in English 学会用英语表达自己的偶像

2. Write an article ,make the sentence and paragarph fluent and logic.


3.Learn the spirits of idols 学习偶像的精神

【学习重点】write an article about“ Idol”

【考纲要求】writing ability



【学习过程】Step 1 热身Warming-up:

Ask and answer

T:Today the hot topic we will talk and write about is idol. How much do you know about idols? Can you answer the following questions?

(Show the vedio on the ppt)

1) Who is your idol?

2) Why do you like him or her?

3) what is your opinion about idols ?

Let’s prepare for the writing.

Step 2 写前活动Pre-writing:

Have a discussion

T: Now, the students turn around and join in your group to have a discussion.(Divide the students into 6 groups , with each group including 6 or 8 students)

T: everyone, you must talk in English.For each group’s leader, not only need you organize your group well, but also you need to take some notes of what your members talk about.

SS: Discuss in groups about 10 minutes.

(During the discussion, the teacher should join in them to express opinions or give some advice or offer some help when it is necessary.)

Step 3 写中活动While-writing:

1、Making an outline

T:Ok. Since each group has discussed about idols, now let’s have a brainstorm to write an article about it.What factors should your article contain? Please make an outline . You can use some key words or phrases to make your outline. It is not necessary for you to write down the whole sentences.