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外研2003课标版《Reading and vocabulary》优质课教案下载

After learning the introduction parts , the students will be able to

aware of some words & phrases about some professions. Such as teacher,worker,policeman,firefighter,doctor,engineer,cook, postman, pilot, architect, director, actor etc;

use some key words or expressions to describe a job such as badly paid, well paid, dangerous, exciting, intellectual, manual, satisfying, stressful, etc;

talk about relevant topics about jobs;

= 3 ﹨ ROMAN ﹨ MERGEFORMAT III . Teaching focus:

Students are supposed to

Point out the job of each picture;

learn to read and write down the occupations;

master main key words of this part to describe the jobs;

use the new vocabulary and writing style to write a passage.

= 4 ﹨ ROMAN ﹨ MERGEFORMAT IV . Teaching procedure:

1. Lead in.

Play a song named Be What You Wanna Be.

Ask students to guess what this module is talking about and point out the words .

Activity one :

Divide the class into two groups. Make a competition: write down as many jobs as the can.Then Ask the students to look at the pictures and say what’s the pictures describe.


Activity two: group discussion

Look at the six pictures on page 11 and discuss with your partner:

What the people in the pictures do?

What they are doing?

Then choose some volunteer to represent it to the class.

Use the words in the box to describe the jobs.

What do you think of the jobs? Now,describe the jobs!

The words are as following: badly paid, well paid, dangerous, exciting, intellectual, manual, satisfying, stressful, etc;