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2. skill objective:

1) Scanning for the gist in reading.

2) Skimming for particular information in reading.

3) Generalizing grammar rules by example analysis.

4) organize thinking by using a mind map.

3. moral objective

Raise Ss’ awareness of protecting wild animals.

II. Stages and steps

Stage 1: Pre-reading

1. Ss watch a video clip about protecting Tibetan antelopes to answer the following questions:

1) Where do the Tibetan antelopes live?

2) What happened to the antelopes and why?

3) What was the result?

Designing purpose: Elicit the new words in the context.

2. T. elicits the following new words by collecting Ss’ answers to the questions: antelope, plateau, herd, habitat, poacher, skin (vt.), shawl, confiscate, police raid

3. Ss finish the following summary about the video by using the new words.

A h of antelopes lives on the Qinghai Tibetan P , which is their main h . They are often killed by p . After they are s , the wool can be made into valuable s . However, illegal hunting is not allowed. Guns and vehicles used for that purpose are often found and c when there is a police r .

(Keys: herd, plateau, habitat, poachers, skinned, shawls, confiscated, raid)

Design purpose: Ss can use the new words in context.

Stage 2: While-reading

1. T asks Ss to divide the passage into a few parts by reading the opening and the ending sentence in each paragraph.

Designing purpose: Train Ss’ strategic use ---read by scanning

2. Ss summarize the main idea of each part with T’s scaffolding.

Designing purpose: T can examine Ss’ ability of reasoning for their paragraph division.

3. T asks Ss to read the first part (paragraph 1) to find out the five “key elements” for a “story”: ‘what’, ‘who’, ‘when’, ‘where’ and ‘how’.