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选修6《Listening and vocabulary》最新教案优质课下载

eg: My name is Mahong, which is quite close to Mahjong. Do you guys play Mahjong? Me neither. It is often related to gambling and gambling is not good.

Step 2: 夸奖学生穿着、跟学生寒暄引出主题

eg: I like your colourful coat. Could you tell me where you bought it? Oh, that place, I guess we all know that. I often go shopping there too.

Step 3: 和学生一起讨论small talk的定义、技巧和禁忌

eg: What is small talk? Casual conversation with people to break the ice or to soften the atmosphere. And we all have to pay attention to the key word here “unimportant”. You don't want to be philosophical the first time you meet someone. There are many topics we should try to avoid, such as age, religion, and politics.

Step 4: 展示视频以证明观点

eg: Now you have watched this video. You sure know what to say when we have to break the ice and shorten the distance between two people.

Step 5: 让学生找出视频中small talk的错误

eg: Now can you point out the mistakes these guys have made in the video when they are trying to make small talks.

Step 6: 呈现不同情境让学生进行小组练习

eg: Eventually we will have to use what we have learned in real life. So imagine you are in one of the following four situations and try to make up small talk with your partners.

Step 7: 学生表演并点评

eg: Well, I see you are actually trying to show us the bad examples of small talk to warn us what not to do. Very interesting performance.

Step 8: 课堂总结

eg: I believe we all have learned a lot from this lesson. Thank you guys so much for your participation and cooperation.