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Get the students to know how to write a passage about how to build a friendly relationship between parents and children.

Teaching difficult points:

Help the students master some useful expressions and ways to describe some problems and solutions between parents and children.

Teaching procedures:

Activity1. Lead-in

T: Hello, boys and girls.


T: Today is a special day . It’s Thanksgiving Day. So we’ll have a different class. It’s about “Love”. First, Let’s enjoy a video.

T: “Some say love is holding on------”, in your opinion, what’s love? Here, I’ll show a love story between a girl and two birds with you. Maybe you can learn something from it.

Activity2. Reading

(Ask the students to read the passage in activity 2 and then answer the following questions.)

T: Time is up. Are you OK? Any volunteer?


T: Wonderful! Then read the passage again and fill in the gaps in the mind-map. I’ll give you 5minutes to do it.

T: Have you finished it? Anybody can share your answers with us?


T: Well done! Now please pay more attention to the words in red.

T: How to describe what is happening?

( The teacher write the following on the Blackboard---Problem(What’s happening): The girl’s desperate love killed a bird.

Suggestions/Solution: Give the other bird freedom/ give love wings. )

T: Love is to give it wings. Do you agree with the girl’s opinion? I agree with her. We know, there are different kinds of loves around us, especially one between parents and children.

Activity 3. Group discussion---Offer advice

T:Here are two situations. Give your suggestions and write them down in your papers. After that, discuss them in groups. A few minutes later, each group will share your suggestions with us.

T: You are great! About how to build a friendly relation between parents and children, you have so many wonderful ideas.

(Activity 4. Discussion)