师梦圆 - 让备课更高效、教学更轻松!
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To train students the ability of cooperation.

Emotion attitude and values.

To make students taste the happiness of communicating in English.

To motivate students interests of learning English.

To stimulate students to be active and cooperative in team work, enjoy the sense of achievement in cooperation.

Teaching important points:

To master the correct reading and writing form of letters A-R.

Teaching difficult points:

To master the sounds of the vowel letters A E I O

Teaching method:

Audio-visual instruction method, general reaction method

Teaching aids: PPT 、Some cards

Teaching content: Section B 4a-4d

Teaching procedures

Step 1、Review and warm-up

Review the letters A-R with body language.

Play a game. Magic Eyes.

Step 2、Practice

Fill in the missing letters.

Classify the letters according to the type of same vowels.

Step 3、Presentation

Review the sounds of the vowel letters A&E.

Watch a video and find out the sounds of the vowel letters I&O.

Step 4、Practice

Practice the sounds of the vowel letters I&O in the known words.

Practice the sounds of the vowel letters I&O in the unknown words.

Step 5、Consolidation

Play a game .Fruit Trees

Step 6、Summary

Summarize the sounds of the vowel letters .