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选修7《Reading and vocabulary》新课标教案优质课下载

Step 1: Lead –in

Show some pictures about basketball players and ask Students to answer questions:

Are you a basketball fan?

Do you know any basketball players?

Who do you like best?

What do you know about him?

Step 2.: Fast reading

Look at the title of passage1 and guess its true meaning

Skim the passage within 2 minutes and divide it into four parts and match the main idea of each part

Step 3. Careful reading

Read Part 1

Which statement is Not true about Michael?

Michael was the most famous athlete in the world during the 1990s.

Michael was the top scorer in the NBA.

Michael was named the NBA most valued player four times.

Michael became the most successful basketball player in the history of the game.

Read Part 2

Task 1: Answer the questions

Where was Michael born?

Which basketball team did Michael Jordan play for?

How many times did Michael Jordan’s team win the NBA title?

Why do the fans admire Jordan so much?

Task 2: Fill in the blanks according to the time

What happened to Michael Jordan in 1984-1985/ 1987 / 1987-1993 / 1993 / 1996-1998 / 2003?

Read Part 3 and answer the questions