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Grammar(1)Adverbial clauses of time该内容总学时1课时教学工具Multimedia PPT一、学习内容分析本节教学内容是学习和应用含有time、moment等词的名词短语充当连词,引导时间状语从句。课本编排是在学生熟悉相应的几个名词短语后,在一篇The Song That Touched My Heart的文章中加以应用。加之本模块主题是Music,所以我的设计是让学生在音乐中加以演唱、感知、体验、表演名词性短语引导的时间状语从句,以比较快乐、充满智慧的方式帮助学生来理解和应用英语,构建我追求的指向高中英语核心素养的智趣课堂。二、学习目标分析1. To help the students understand “a noun phase containing time/moment/minute and so on ,can be used a conjunction to guide adverbial clauses of time”.

2. To help the students learn to apply adverbial clauses of time .

3.To help the students improve the skills of reading and writing .三、学习者特征分析教学对象:宁南中学高2020届(14)班学生。该班为理科尖子班,他们基本功较扎实,自主学习能力、合作探究能力较强,喜欢富有个性的教学设计,不满足于教师对教学内容的简单重复与重现。全班共55人分为9组。四、教学重、难点教学重点: 帮助学生理解含有time、moment等词的名词短语充当连词,引导时间状语从句的语用功能,并在交际、写作中正确、熟练运用。


五、教学过程设计Step1. Lead-in(引入)(5分钟):

1.呼英语课班级口号后,学生们分部歌唱英语歌曲Dream it possible。

2.以share my feeling about this song 引出以下含有time等的时间名词短语引导的时间状语从句。

(1)I'll never forget the first time I heard this song.

(2)The moment I heard it, I knew it was my favourite.

(3)The next time I heard it, I felt it's the best song for us students of Senior III.

(4)The last time I heard it,I was considering how to help you realize your dream.

(5)By the time I heard it was Huawei's propaganda music, I had understood why they chose it.

(6)It's the first time I have shared my feeling about this song with you. My heart was touched!

Step2. Inquiry Learning(探究学习)(16分钟):

1.Students enjoy another song You Are the Sunshine of My Life(课文中提及到的歌曲) and fill in the blank while listening . Aims:(1)Learn English while singing ; (2) Lay the foundation for the text study.

2.Presentation: Students show their answers and the teacher communicates emotionally with the Ss.

3.Reading :The Song That Touched My Heart P48

(1)Students read the sentences and think about the meaning of the time expressions.

(2)Students read the passage quickly and complete it with the correct time expressions, then discuss in groups to check their answers; after that show their answers.

(3)Students read the passage quickly and finish the Mind chart.

The Song That Touched My Heart

by Stevie Wonder

It changed my life and my opinion of my mother's taste in music.

