师梦圆 - 让备课更高效、教学更轻松!
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Ability Objects

1.Find the rules of the pronunciation of Aa Ee Ii Oo in the open syllables and closed syllables and enable to read words correctly.

2.Be able to make conversations using the target languages

Moral Objects

(1)Simulate students ’interest in learning English.

(2)Develop students’ cooperation consciousness and team spirit by

group work and competition

Teaching Key Points

Learn the rules of the pronunciation of Aa Ee Ii Oo Uu in the open syllables and closed syllables ,and enable to read words correctly.

Teaching Difficult Points

Find the rules of the pronunciation of Aa Ee Ii Oo Uu in the open syllables and closed syllables ,and enable to read words correctly.

Teaching Methods

Task-based learning teaching Method

Teaching and learning steps:

Step 1 Warming up and leading in


2.Sing a song.Have the students sing ABC song.

Step 2.Review

1.Let the students recite the letters from Aa to Rr.one by one.

2. Look at the letters on the screen and read together then write down the words they find in the letters one by one .

3.Group work.

First say and chant to review the target languages, then make a conversation in groups.

—What’s this/that in English?

—It’s a/an ….

—Spell it, please.


Step 3. Presentation 4b

T: Can you remember these words of 4b? Read them, please.(Ask three students to read the three lines of words.)

Now, let’s say these words according to their first letters .If the first letter is A, we read the word first. For example, Alice, then Bob and..Get the students to number the words 1—15..

Step 4: Listen,repeat and rank.