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To encourage students to review affixes and apply them in reading.

Teaching Important Points:

To lead students to undertake the task by using four strategies and generalize overall rules behind.

To help students apply the four strategies in guessing words and solve problems with the help of group members.

Teaching Difficult Points:

To help students develop the habit of pondering upon methods of solution after doing exercises.

Teaching Methods:

Task-base approach

Communicative approach

Teaching Aids:

A multimedia classroom

The blackboard

Teaching Procedures:

Step Ⅰ Warming up

A phrase is adopted to lead students to guess the meaning and get a sense of the main theme talked today.

Step Ⅱ Leading-in

To make requirements of guessing words in NMET outline clear to students.

The teacher will review students’ performance in guessing words in the previous practice test.

Step III Strategies for guessing words

In this process, the teacher acts as the leader to get students to generalize basic rules in guessing words. Timely and specific exercises are designed to reinforce the effect.

Strategy One: Common sense

Strategy Two: Explanation in context

Strategy Three: Logical connection

Strategy Four: Word formation

Step IV Group work