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外研2003课标版《Reading and vocabulary》新课标教案优质课下载


Reading for understanding 1.指导依据说明本节课教学依据英语课程标准中关于学科核心素养与课程目标的要求,使学生通过学科学习具备相应的语言能力、文化意识、思维品质和学习能力。围绕主题语境,通过学习理解、应用实践等层层递进的语言、思维、文化相融合的活动,引导学生加深对主题意义的理解;帮助学生运用语言技能,阐述文化内涵,评析语篇意义,研读语篇进而理解语篇的主题、内容、文本结构、语言特点、本语篇是说明文,按照时间顺序介绍美洲土著人,西班牙人,俄罗斯人,金矿工人,后来移民,最近移民与未来的移民,从而加深学生对加州的变化,发展过程的了解并能分析出加州为什么会成为多种文化交织的共同体的原因。2.教学背景分析




语篇研读:本篇文章按照时间顺序介绍美洲土著人,西班牙人,俄罗斯人,金矿工人,后来移民,最近移民与未来的移民以及他们来到加州的原因从一开始的谋生,占地到最后由于加州的发展吸引了越来越多全国各地的人,与此同时各国人们的迁入所带来的文化,习俗,语言,技术及知识同时也促进了加州的发展,目的是让学生通过学习了解加州不仅是美国人口最多的州,同时也是民族,种族最多,文化最多元的州,并能分析讨论加州为什么会成为多种文化交织的共同体的原因。 学生情况分析本节课的教学对象是高二的学生,具备一定的阅读能力和历史地理知识,具备一定的阅读能力和解决问题的能力。3.教学目标Based on Warming-up learning, and background information on before class homework sheet, students are able to:

predict what the passage is about according to the title, subtitles and pictures.

understand the structure of the passage by scanning the passage.

tell different kinds of people, different times and the events.

explain the reasons why these people came to California and understand what they brought also influenced California.

explain the reason why California is multicultural.4.教学重点、难点分析项目内容解决措施教学重点Learn about the history of CaliforniaThrough repeated reading, obtain and sort out the information that we need and guide students to summarize .教学难点Explain the reason why California is multicultural. By guiding students to summarize.5.教学过程设计教学



Greetings and homeworkCheck homework

(a passage about California)by answering some questions on the homework sheet.Present homework and answer these questionsTo make sure the students get enough background information for the new

lesson2Step2 PredictionAccording to the title, subtitles and pictures, predict what the passage is about.Think about the questions and answer the questions by discussing with each other.

To emphasize the importance of the title, subtitles and pictures and get students to predict the content of the passage and let students know the structure of the passage.4Step3

Fast readingLead students to look through the passage and get what order is the passage organized; what is the writing style; what the passage is about.Think about the questions and answer the questions individually.To help students learn how to summarize.20Step4

Careful readingAsk questions:

1.Tell different kinds of people, different times and the events.

2.Explain the reasons why these people came to California and understand what they brought also influenced California.

1.Read the passage and sort out the information to get the answers.

2.Students discuss with group members.

3.Students express their opinions actively.

1.To help students develop the ability- analyzing, summarizing and concluding.