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选修8《Reading and vocabulary》集体备课教案优质课下载


Step II. Leading in

In the first passage we have learned about the background and some information on art and science. In the second passage, we have known about the leading figure , Leonardo da Vinci again. Then in this period I will lead you to understand important words, phrases, non-finite verbs and practice them through reading and writing skills. Let’s get started.(联系课程内容,明确本课任务。)

Step III. Students’ presentation

Ask A1s(每组6人分为A1A2B1B2C1C2三个层次) of each group to stand on the platform to explain the language points that they think are important and have written down on the blackboard before class. Other students listen and take notes if necessary.

Passage 1 Para1-2G6 A2 Para3-5G2 A2 Para6-7G1 A2Passage 2 Para1-3G9 A2 Para4-5G5 A2

After the students’ presentation, the teacher will show the summary of the important language points as a reference in case the students.

Ask students to read and memorize the notes and have a check.

Step IV. 阅读下面的材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

Vesalius was born in Brussels and went to Paris _____(complete) his medical training. He became Professor at Padua University in Italy, an important centre for ____(train) doctors during the Renaissance. He said it was important for doctors _____(examine) human bodies. He _____ a great book called “ The Fabric of the Human Body”, ____(describe)how parts of the body work. The famous ______ (art)Titian produced over 200 drawings, _____(show) the human body ___ greater detail than ever before. _____(print) in 1543, the book was soon available in every medical school in Europe. His work encouraged other scientists to become more questioning. After Vesalius it became more important ______ (study) how the human body works.

Ask students to finish the passage within 5 minutes. Have a discussion in groups and then volunteer to show the answers. Finally ask students to read the right passage together.

Step V. Key points check

Step VI. Writing

15 minutes for students to write a short passage to introduce the Renaissance involving certain leading figure or works using phrases, words, or sentence patterns that they have learned in this period. 根据本节课所学内容,学生缩写一篇有关文艺复兴(可包括主要人物及作品)的小短文。

Invite two students to show their compositions and ask other students to them. Time permitting, ask other students to exchange and correct their compositions in pairs; if not, they can do it after class.

Step VII. Homework

1. 必做作业

复习上课所学内容,根据所学内容出一份不超过7 分钟的试卷留作第二天的相互检测。

2. 选作

a. 写一篇文章介绍你最感兴趣的某个领域的领军人物

b. 介绍一个你最喜欢的艺术作品




Self-evaluation (当堂自测评估)